Tuesday, July 6, 2004

More than 75 elementary and secondary teachers will attend the 9th Annual Invest North Dakota Teachers Academy, sponsored by the North Dakota Securities Department, July 12-16 at the University of Mary, Bismarck. The purpose of the academy is to assist teachers in presenting personal finance in the classroom, which will result in educated consumers making good financial choices.

Teachers will be introduced to innovative curriculum tools that will assist curriculum planning, as well as hear from approximately 20 business, education and professional speakers.

National surveys continue to show that today's high school seniors are graduating with failing grades when it comes to managing money, including handling credit cards, paying taxes and even saving for the future, said Diane Kambeitz, Conference Coordinator. The sooner financial education starts in the classroom, the sooner we will begin to see this trend change in our country.

Teachers attending the course are eligible to earn 2 graduate credits of continuing education following completion of the requirements.