Friday, July 21, 2017

Bismarck, ND, July 21, 2017:  North Dakota Securities Commissioner Karen Tyler has ordered Susan L. Welo, CRD #1884407, doing business under the trade name Welo Wealth Management, to Cease and Desist from acting as an unregistered securities agent, acting as an unregistered investment adviser representative, and engaging in misrepresentations and material omissions in connection with the offer and/or sale of securities in this state or the providing of investment advice.

Welo ‘s employment with Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, CRD #13572, terminated in October of 2016.  Welo is not employed by a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser, is not registered as a broker-dealer agent or investment adviser representative, and cannot legally engage in the offer and sale of investment securities and advice in the state of North Dakota.

Inquiries in regard to this matter may be directed to:

Michael Daley, Deputy Commissioner/Attorney

Kelly Mathias, Examinations and Investigations Supervisor

ND Securities Department

600 East Boulevard Avenue State Capitol, 5th Floor

Bismarck, ND 58505-0510

Phone: (701)328-2910

Toll Free: (800)297-5124

Fax: (701)328-2946




File: Susan Welo Press Release.pdf